Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gone Vegan...

I am going to back track to yesterday, my preparation to go Vegan. First off, I had to drive across the city for 35 mins just to get to a store that sold Vegan groceries (this is where I miss CA a lot, you can buy vegan on every corner there). Anywho, so I slipped on my sheep skin and wool Uggs, grabbed my leather bag and started my journey across town to become a bonafide vegan! I had done all of my due-diligence, I emailed myself A) Directions to and from the store (it’s seriously hard to navigate in this city) B) 3 vegan recipes for the week and C) anything else we would need to go complete vegan without a hitch!

Of course, I left my phone in my room, so this was of no help to me what so ever. I got lost going there AND coming back and without a grocery list, I spent hours reading every ingredient on every possible thing in the store. UNTIL I realized that at Trader Joes they put a Vegan stamp on all things Vegan! (awesome) (yet another reason I love TJ’s so freaking much!!) So I just threw every single thing in my cart stamped Vegan and called it a success! Whew!!

Ok, so now it’s day one of my Veganism (word?) and so far so good… I have only had breakfast, so I am not speaking from much experience (yet). I will share my eatings today but I will save everyone the boring details on my everyday eatings going forward (I tried that last year as a vegetarian and I started boring myself of my own blog posts.)
So far- Breakfast:
Vegan Berry Oat Bran Muffin w/vegan substitute spread NOT cream cheese (that’s literally what its called on the package: vegan substitute spread NOT cream cheese)
Enriched Farina Hot Wheat Cereal w/chopped bananas
Pumpkin Coffee with Vanilla Soy Milk

I came to this conclusion, that in the end, it all just tasted like peanut butter without the sweet or without the peanut and actually without the butter part too. It had the consistency of peanut butter, but tasted more like a smacking sound rather than an actual taste, so I washed it all down with several cups of coffee and some water (and I hate water in the mornings) and that was that!

All in all, I am full, so I guess it got the job done.


Only 30 more days, only 30 more days…

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