Thursday, February 24, 2011

I know you are but what am I?

Jamie and I find ourselves doing the strangest things... I guess thats what happens when you live with someone and plan to marry them, you are no longer doing the conventional 'getting to know you after work activities', you are now doing 'lets keep ourselves entertained in ways that other people would judge us for' activities. Like today for instance, today Jamie wanted to play a game where we look up words and try to guess the correct definition before we read it. I'm always up for a challenge, so I agreed. It went like this:

Jamie: "Look up 'uptight' and see if thats you!"

Me: "What?!? Why on earth would you think I am uptight??"

Me: "It means
1. Tense; nervous.
2. Financially pressed; destitute.
3. Outraged; angry.
4. Rigidly conventional, as in manners, opinions, and tastes"

Jamie: "ok, not you... Lets try 'strung out' and see if thats you!"

Me: "What the hell, that would mean I am on drugs and other than Claritin, Penicillin, Day Quil, Motrin and Vicodin I am not on ANY drugs!"

Jamie: "Ok, ok, thats not you either.... Hmmm, I dont know what you are then"

Me: "Those were my only options?"

Jamie: "Yeah, now lets do me, type in 'calm cool and collected'

Me: "Hmm, nothing comes up"

Jamie: "Oh, I must be a phenom then... Oh yeah, look that up, thats what I am, a phenom!"

Me: "I dont want to play this game any more"

and that was the end of that game.

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