Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eggs anyone?

"Could I be a Jewish Egg Donor?", I seriously pondered this question when opening my computer today to look and see if by some chance there were any outstanding job posts on Craigslist, as per usual- there were not. However, the escort business seems to be in the up and up despite the recession; not that I was ever considering becoming an escort (although Tiger seemed to really be into them) but you have to admit, it's a curious world out there when you have a Gucci bag with no money in it or a Mercedes with no gas... Anyways, "Could I be a Jewish Egg Donor?" This statement made me realize that I really must be hitting a brick wall while trying to figure out where I stand in turning around my career; or as I would like to think, starting my "real" career. Not that I have anything against Eggs, Jewish Eggs, or Donors of any sort; just when evaluating where my life would be when I was planning it at age 12, giving up Christmas along with my baby eggs weren't anywhere in my plans.
I have done just about everything I have wanted to do up to this point; I have lived in 7 cities and 8 states, attended two Universities, drove across country twice, went sky diving, flew in private jets, stayed at 5 star resorts, traveled, bought a Mercedes, started a business and dyed my hair about 13 different shades of reddish blonde brown; all as I perched my 28th year on earth. I say this not to gloat, but to remind myself to not take things for granted and to make sure I keep myself humbled and grounded; because now I'm realizing at 28, while my friends are getting married, having both Jewish and non Jewish babies, and buying houses; I am struggling to get a living room put together and find a place of employment that will not make me want to blow my brains out when my alarm goes off every morning.... I do not want to take away from the many others that are loathing in this immense amount of recession pain, if anything, I am just jumping on the bandwagon. I think back to when I thought I had it all, and that right there is what has stunted my growth in the "now". So, time to whip out my resume, beef up my cover letter, turn on the charm and start all over...
If misery loves company, or if you will at least get enjoyment out of my misery; join me on my journey of the never ending interviews, Craigslist posts, resume title changes, and possible egg donations. Because I will be damned if I spend a whole year slinging copy machines.


  1. So, no escorting? I assume I am just Pro Bono work? A charity case? Hmm... I'll take it. ; )

  2. How is it possible to live in 8 states but only 7 cities? Wouldn't you have to live in 8 cities if you're going to live in 8 states?

  3. Great question Jonathan! Here is where I came up with that calculation: I would hardly consider Fairmont a city... But as far as I know, West Virginia is definitely a state :)
