Wednesday, March 16, 2011

the bonus

So far New Orleans has delivered just about everything we expected and more... waaaaay more.

We have had fantastic food, stiff sugar-filled and colorful drinks, made some quick friends and listened to some rad live music! What we weren't expecting and what we would like to call "the bonus" of our already exciting night went a little something like this:

Got a taxi ride back to the hotel from the French Quarter (normal).
Pulled up to the hotel (normal).
Naked guy comes running at us (eh, could be normal, it is New Orleans).
Naked guy demands us to give him our clothes (I realize things are getting less normal).
Taxi guy checks in his car, no extra clothes.
Naked guy demands me to give him my shawl (he actually used the term shawl).
Uh, no.
Hotel management tries to give him a hotel towel.
Naked guy refuses towel.
Naked guy tweaks.
Naked guy screams.
Jamie goes to get naked guy a towel from our room (our only clean towel).
I stay and take pictures (totally normal).
Naked guy refuses our clean towel stating "No man, I ain't taking that towel it has electrodes in it!" (definitely not normal)
Jamie tries to level with naked guy "No man, see these arches (pointing to the awning of the hotel) these arches cancel out all the electrodes, so this towel is clean dude" (now I am starting to wonder if Jamie is normal).
Naked guy doesn't buy it.
Hotel guy calls cops.
Hotel notifies us that they have ran out of clean towels.
I make a sad face.
Jamie asks naked guy how he got naked.
No answer (bummer).
I decide it's time for me to go back to the room.
As I am walking to the room a half naked chick with only panties on comes running down the hallway holding a hurricane in her hand screaming "GET IN YOUR ROOM! A BLACK GUY IS ROBBIN' PEOPLE!"
So I get in my room.
I triple lock the door thinking only one thing...

"Damn it's impressive that this chick is being robbed and still managing to hold onto her drink."

The bonus:

Note above the penis is this mans crack pipe... Which explains a lot actually.

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