Monday, July 11, 2011

settling is for chumps

Thing 2: People Change
… but only on their terms.

This goes for your own personal changes and also the changes of the people around you. People so desperately want the people around them to think like them, share the same views, want the same successes, like the same types of food... We do, yet we don’t. If we all thought and lived equally there would be no real experiences, no growth, no mind expansion. We live and breathe off one another, that's how we learn, we want people to listen and see our point of views, but we dont want to force them to be us. We want diversity yet we get upset when people disagree with our thoughts or way of life… What a boring world it would be without discussions, learning new things, opening your mind to alternative views, arguments that lead to you finding out that you actually do like raw oysters and without the cracker. We all love a great debate every once in a while, right?

So then stop the judging, stop trying to push your views and beliefs on others, stop trying to change someone’s character or the way they dress. You can’t make someone be less selfish or more independent. That stuff happens in time and within someone’s comfort zone and time frame, not by you pushing for it. Stop trying to force relationships, stop trying to change yourself to be like what others want you to be.

Life, to me, isn’t about accepting what lands on your doorstep every morning, it’s not about what my neighbor, my dad or my dog thinks it should be for me, its about getting out into the world and experiencing all that life has to offer, it’s about living off the cuff and being unreasonable and taking leaps without a net. It’s about the art of living life through my eyes…

So if living comfortably is something that you enjoy, don’t tell people on that you are “spontaneous”, it’s ok if you’re not. Just stop the madness, people will change, you will change, just on your own terms and you will change the things worth changing… things that will improve your character and life.

People change, because settling is for chumps. And no one wants to be a chump. :)

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