Friday, October 21, 2011

yet another reason why we shouldnt be allowed to have babies yet

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 9:09 AM, Koay, Rai wrote:

Good Morning Time!

I've been thinking...

In the next year you are going to have to get a job with crazy good benefits, seriously. If you ever want babies, that’s what you'll have to do, b/c Lord knows I will be in the hospital every other day. It doesn’t have to be forever just until the baby is like 1 or 2 and we don’t have to ever take it to the doctor again (right?).

From: Jamie V.
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:31 AM
To: Koay, Rai
Subject: Re: Good Morn Fair Maiden

Dont worry, I will have a very nice benefits when it's time to start pumpin out the little rugrats. I was thinking this morning on the drive in to work that we can use our baby as a prop in movies and skits. I've already thought of a couple it's gonna be awesome. I'll give you a preview:

Skit one: Baby Genius

Plot: We teach our baby how to do complex things like math equations and physics and sh!t. We go through a montage of us teaching him/her really hard stuff. After all this we then ask him/her a question and all he/she does is poop and giggle and fall over. THEN we show an infomericial for our "Baby Genius" program. Where we go through all the teaching an stuff, but in the parts where we ask him/her questions we are blatantly putting the babies hands on the right answers (making it look like the program works).

Skit two: Baby Diva/A-hole

Plot: Our baby is an actor/actress. He/she has his/her own dressing room and we come in and tell him/her it's time for a scene and then he/she throws an empty liquor bottle at us (off camera of course so the baby is just sitting there in front of a mirror with the bottle and a glass then it cuts back to us and we're ducking the flying bottle) and we get upset, but we grovel to him/her and act like he/she is so important.

That's all I got right now. It's gonna be youtube goal and our baby will be a cash cow for us. That's actually what we should name him/her... cash cow. It's got a nice ring to it.

From: Koay, Rai
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:53 AM
To: 'Jamie V. '

Sounds like a great idea for our baby! We have enough freeloaders at our house with the cat and the dog. This baby needs to earn its keep.

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