Monday, January 4, 2010


So here I am again, it’s my first Monday back to work in 2010 (exciting stuff, I know). I am going back and forth on what I should be doing to make myself look most productive today… Since banning Facebook at work, I have had to be very creative with my time online during the day. Yes, I could be working harder, but I am a firm believer in working smarter not harder. If you do things right the first time, you shouldn’t need to work harder. But being “productive” in the eyes of corporate is very different than actually working smart. If I can get done in 5 hours what they want me to get done in 8, why must I “fill” those last 3 hours doing anything as long as I am at my desk “looking” productive… I owe a lot of my “productivity” to gchat in this case. None of this makes real sense to me, sitting in this 5 x 6 cubicle pretending like its an office makes to sense to me either… I guess now I know why I haven’t been promoted.

I know, I know… “Things could be worse”, but why should I have to lower my standards of what I find satisfying just because I know that I COULD be starving in some third world country right now, rather than sitting here in my work box eating oatmeal that tastes like wet dog food. Of course things could always be worse, why do we even accept this as a train of thought?? Do we go up to terminally ill children in ICU and say “Stop complaining about the pain, it could be worse! Little Timmy next door just died”… How about trying this outlook, “Things could be way better than this shit, so get out there and do something about it already!”… Personally, that’s way more motivating.

Two things you should never cook in the office:
Popcorn and Bacon… It’s just bad business people.

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