Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rain in San Diego

I love the rain. I speak highly of the limited downpours here in Southern California mainly because I am so spoiled with perfect San Diego weather, that I actually get excited when it rains. Its something different. I get even more excited when it thunders ("thunders" is a word, right?). But my enthusiasm (and urge to immediately build a porch swing) quickly plummets as I realize that the glorifying sound of thunder I thought I heard, was actually our garbage man clearing out all the dumpsters on my street. Hmmm... Whatever. I am sure I wasnt the only one that made that mistake today. This is also coming from a girl that thought she heard a baby being abused outside her window every night for a week, when in fact, it was just a male cat trying to court our female cat. Surprisingly, those two things sound eerily familiar. So make sure you check into any situation throughly before calling child services.

Oh well, live and learn I guess.

PS: I tried to google image a picture of "rain in San Diego" since outside my window is just someone else's window, and this is what I got: So... Enjoy!


  1. cowbell deserves to be courted, shes a legend.

  2. shes' a bitch too... she just hisses and plays hard to get. In fact, she plays impossible to get, until that male cat evolves opposable thumbs and opens the door.
